發布時間:2019-07-11 11:57:01來源:
1. 濾波器相關標準:
EC939-1:Complete filter units for radio interference suppression.
Part 1: Generic specification
IEC939-2:Complete filter units for radio interference suppression.
Part 2: Sectional specification. Selection of methods of test and general requirements
UL1283:Standard for Electromagnetic Interference Filters
CSA C22.2 No.8:Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) Filters
CISPR-17 :Methods of measurement of the suppression characteristics of passive radio
interference filters and suppression components
UL1414:Standard for Capacitors and Suppressors for Radio- and Television-Type Appliances
IEC335-1:Standard for Safety of Household and Similar Electrical Appliances.
Part 1:General Requirements(家用或類似電器設備的安全.第一部分:總規范)
EN 133000: 總規范.電磁干擾抑制用無源濾波器
EN133200: 分規范.電磁干擾抑制用無源濾波器裝置(安全試驗規定的濾波器)
GB/T15288:抑制射頻干擾整件濾波器.第二部分分規范: 試驗方法的選擇和一般要求
IEC384-14Ⅱ(EN132400):電子設備用固定電容器 第14部分:抑制射頻干擾用固定電容器:試驗方法
GB/T14472: 電子設備用固定電容器 第14部分:抑制電磁干擾和電源網絡連接用固定電容器
IEC68 :基本環境試驗規程